Dedicate some time to figure this all out. It’s going to take some time to make your first website. I think the goal of any DIY project is to get professional results without the significant investment in money. You will need a significant amount of time to learn everything though. Be prepared to learn to develop your website over a few months if this is your first time.
First off you will need some training. I recommend starting with WordPress 5 Essential Training on LinkedIn Learning. After taking that course take WordPress 5 Essential Training: Site Administration. Watch the videos for CSS Essential Training and HTML Essential Training and you should now have a good understanding of how WordPress works and how to make minor adjustments when you need to make them. It shouldn’t take you long to watch all the videos. If you have the time you can probably watch them all over a couple of weekends. Just pay attention to the material.
The second thing you should do is join WordPress For Non-Techies by WPCrafter Facebook Group because you’ll find a lot of beginner-friendly advice. You should also go follow WordPress For Non-Techies on YouTube as well.
You will need to find a hosting provider for your website. I don’t know what your project is about but SiteGround does provide good beginner-friendly hosting. This is shared hosting and if I’m being honest, it’s not very good but it is very easy to use and get started. SiteGround isn’t good because it’s shared hosting, that’s like living in a large apartment building, meaning your website is on the same server as thousands of other websites. If you live in a good apartment building that’s fine, but if your neighbour is a meth lab, it’s probably not so good. A better option is to use Cloudways. Cloudways require more configuration than SiteGround, but it is worth it because you’ll get much better hosting. WP Crafter has a great video about how to set up Cloudways hosting properly, go check it out here.
Now you need reliable tools to make your site. I would recommend getting Elementor to build your website. Get the pro version of it since it will give you more functionality that you’ll need to build your website. From there search for Elementor Custom Skin and OoohBoi Steroids for Elementor in the WordPress plugin repository. Now you will have great tools to build your site. If you want to customize your site watch all of OoohBoi’s videos on Youtube and you will learn to make amazing websites in a short amount of time.
In order to make a website a little more quickly, I would recommend using templates to get started. If you took the courses I mentioned earlier you should have no problems using and configuring the templates. Using templates is going to be tricky since someone else made the templates and you have to figure out how the templates were made and how to use them. You can high quality templates from Envato Elements. ThemeForest is another option, but I would avoid buying any themes from that site. A theme used to provide the look and feel of a website, but these days Page Builders, like Elementor or even the Block Editor inside WordPress do more of that function now. I would also avoid buying plugins from ThemeForest since it doesn’t go through the normal channels of plugin sales. I would only buy a plugin directly from the developer’s website.
The steps I’ve outlined here are great for making a DIY brochure website. Adding more functionality to your website is going to require more work and research. If you’ve done this much work and haven’t had any problems, congratulations! Not many people are able to do that. I hope your business is running well. If you do run into some problems, feel free to contact me and we can sort something out. Take care and have fun.